Friday, 20 November 2015

Is there no hiding?

OMG, lol, rotflmao we know what all these are, and if you don't then you have been in a cave for the last 20 years. This is now common language with the current generation, but, it has filtered down to those of more advanced years. Grannies and trendy pops are now savvy with this language and compete on an equal footing.
The question around social media is one of absolute transparency, we are living our lives under a microscope were every action, location we visit, purchase we make and every post on various accounts is recorded just sat there waiting to be used against us... maybe.
According to Kevin Craine of Craine Communications Group, “58 percent of American adults use a smartphone, over 40 percent own a tablet, and mobile computing grew by over 80 percent just last year alone.” This is absolutely massive, and make a real mockery of ,"Moore's law" which states that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years. Computing power has vastly overtaken this, mind you Moore stated this 50 years ago.
However, the point is, that the availability and cost reduction of devices now means that everyone has a device of some sort. I even saw a child, no more than 5 playing with an iPad at a cafe, however the mother was enjoying a latte so its a cheap price to pay.
And, what employer hasn't received a CV and googles the prospect, only to find a Facebook full of expletives and racial denigration. We leave a trail behind us and we all worry about an invasion of our privacy, usually thought of as a direct release of confidential information or an indirect insight garnered by concatenating a lot of little separate pieces of information about us (e.g., knowing when to rob our house by noting travel plans or location of tweets).

However, its the way ahead and all we can do is to be responsible, not make adverse comments about our bosses and, especially do not go overboard at the forthcoming Xmas party, making sure those photos are not uploaded to YouTube.  Enjoy.

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