Saturday, 14 November 2015

Tragedy in Gay Paris

The Islamic and Muslim community will have to be prepared for a public backlash. Imagine the ordinary citizens of Paris, that have had a hard day at work and decided to go out for a Friday evening of fun and relaxation, unfortunately this isn't going to happen, it very swiftly turned into death, mayhem and destruction for almost 130 innocent people, not to mention the 90 who are on the critical list and the other 300 injured.

Image result for eiffel tower attacks
The recent events in Paris have rocked the world, this has came at a time when Syria is on on the front-page of the news, mainly due to involvement by Russia, (not to mention putting USA's nose out of joint).

It is perhaps unfortunate that the politically correct in the western world disallow the populace to voice their opinion, too late, the die is now cast and it will be seen, as the French President stated today that this was an act of war, borders are now closed and many other EU countries are following suit.
Tony Abbot stated this to the EU parliament just last week, and was duly criticized, well.... WELL DONE TONY, its about time somebody stated what is on everyone's minds but unfortunately no-one has the common sense to actually voice it.

The effect this will have on the current stream of refugees with the EU area will be profound, already it is being stated that one of the terrorists was only recently accepted via Greece as a refugee, how many more are there, not to mention the hidden cells already set up waiting to operate?

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